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Thankfulness this Thanksgiving November 8, 2021

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As we enter the month of thanksgiving many people take this time as an opportunity to reflect on all of the things they are thankful for.  But, what if I told you that showing gratitude every day, not just in the coming weeks, would change your life?  Becoming thankful in everyday life transforms a heart, which will then reflect into your personal and professional life.  Gratitude is quite possibly the quickest way to success.  So, what’s the problem then?  The problem is we don’t take the time, or we don’t recognize such things as being of something to be thankful for.

Today more than ever, it seems as though it is so incredibly easy to be ungrateful.  Social media makes it easier for us to compare to others.  It is too easy to see what we want, but don’t yet have.  Now, I’m not just blaming social media either.  It comes down to the most industrialized things too, like clean running water or a brand-new toothbrush.

Even though it will not happen overnight, it’s important to embark on the journey of becoming grateful because it will shift your focus.  This to me is one of the most important reasons to practice thankfulness every day.  If you are able to shift your focus from what you don’t have to what you already have, it lifts the spirit tremendously.  Remember, there will always, always be someone who has less than you.  This shift of focus breathes a breath of fresh positivity into every single thing you do.

There have also been several studies that link the satisfaction of life to gratefulness.  It became apparent in these studies that those who practiced gratitude had a much better quality of life and were much more satisfied.  It didn’t matter about age, success, or even the amount of money they had.  There is no hiding the fact that a grateful heart is also a happy heart.

Which leads me to my next point: being grateful reduces your innermost fears.  It’s hard to be fearful and grateful at the same time.  Fear is what occurs when we’re left to dwell on topics that we feel are out of our control.  We ponder the worst possible scenarios and stress over our future predicaments.  But, by being grateful, fear can be overcome.  When we are grateful for everything, and I mean everything even our biggest problems, fear has no place in our mind.

In the beauty industry we see so many different faces each and every day.  We have the opportunity to instill this type of positivity in our clients’ lives and to be whatever they need us to be for that time spent in our chair.  If you want to know the secret to your clients returning to you, it’s because they had a good, or warm feeling while they were in your presence.  That type of warm, calming, energetic, and fun personality comes through so much easier every single day when gratitude is chosen.

Becoming thankful is not instantaneous.  It happens when we truly put in the work and create beautiful habits.  My challenge to anyone reading this is to start practicing thankfulness today.  Each morning when you rise, write down three things that you are grateful for.  Maybe it’s that stack of your favorite jelly on warm toast, or the smell of rain, freshly cleaned sheets, perfectly painted toes, or the air we breathe.  Don’t question yourself this Thanksgiving about why you weren’t more thankful all year long.  It’s always a beautiful day to have a beautiful and thankful day!

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