Chances are you probably don’t relax as much as you should. Between work, exercise, taking care of a household, and just keeping up with life, it can be hard to take time for yourself. Massage therapy is a great tool for relaxation, and if you get massages on a regular basis, you can reduce stress, reduce pain and so much more!
It can be hard to determine how often someone should get a massage, everybody is different when it comes to the stressors they encounter both physically and emotionally. On average, we recommend every 4-6 weeks for basic stress relief and a general tune-up, every 1-3 weeks if you’re more active and put more stress on your body, and every 1-2 weeks for women in late pregnancy.
Massage isn’t just for relaxation (although that’s a huge benefit), below we’ve listed just a few benefits of massage therapy found at
– Reduces pain, muscle soreness and tension
– Improves circulation, energy and alertness
– Lowers heart rate and blood pressure
– Improves immune function
– Improves digestion
– Improves sleep
– Reduces stress and anxiety
– Reduces headaches
So, whether you decide to get a deep tissue massage or something gentler like a Swedish massage, know that you are benefitting your body and mind in so many ways!
Just make sure when you’re done with that massage that you drink lots of water, avoid strenuous activity like working out, and take time to rest and relax!